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Dear Parents, Guardians and Students:

Welcome to Pelham Elementary School! PES is committed to providing educational excellence, in a safe environment as a part of a partnership with you and our community.  As a Capturing Kids Hearts National Showcase School, we strive to build relationships with our students at high levels in order to promote their academic success and well-being. Our staff believe in the importance of continuous growth and rigorous expectations which will allow our students the greatest opportunities for their educational career. 

At PES we believe that each student brings unique talents and challenges to school every day.  We take pride in offering a variety of academic interventions and enrichment opportunities to help each student reach their highest level of success. Through a multi-tiered support system, we work to ensure that each student is challenged appropriately while building a strong foundation of knowledge and skills.  

Our families play a critical role as partners in supporting both our students and teachers as we work together to build a stronger community. We are excited to work  with you throughout the year as we  make important decisions that affect both your child as an individual and the school as a whole.  As a start to this partnership, we hope you will consider being a part of the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), attend family engagement activities, communicate with your child’s teacher through the use of Class Dojo, and volunteer whenever possible in school activities.

It is truly my honor and privilege to serve as the principal here at Pelham Elementary School. I am here to assist you in any way needed as we work together as a team. Thank you for joining with me as we truly make Pelham City Schools the System of Choice in South Georgia!

With warmest

Laurie L. Walton, Ed.S

PES Principal